Thursday 1 May 2014

A little bit about me!

First of all I would like to apologise for the lack of posts recently, if you don't already know, I'm in Dubai at the moment so it's been a bit crazy with packing/travelling and I haven't actually been in the villa much to actually write, however there are a lot of 'Dubai themed' posts on the way shortly, including tomorrow's post! 
Today I thought I would do a quick 'about me' type of post, I will be doing the '25 random questions' tag, I think there are multiple different versions of this tag online so I just grabbed the first one that came up, let's get answering questions!

1. Do you have any pets? I do, I have a kitty called Rouri.
2. Name 3 things physically close to you. Can of coke, a pile of magazines and the Boyf/his mom :)
3. What's the weather like right now? It's bloody beautiful, 38 degrees and sunny! 
4. Do you drive? I don't but I will do hopefully soon! 
5. What time did you wake up this morning? About 9am (6am English time!)
6. What's is your middle name? Alice
7. How many siblings do you have? 2, one brother and one sister! 
8. How old will you be on your next birthday? 21.
9. Do you colour your hair? I do, too much!
10. What is your perfect pizza topping? Lots of cheese, pineapple and sweet corn.
11. What are you planning on doing today? Sunbathing, reading lots of magazines then a trip to the mall.
12. What is your eye colour? Brown
13. Can you taste the difference between coca cola and Pepsi? I can, but I like them both.
14. Is there anything pink within 10 ft of you right now? There actually isn't!
15. Who was your last text message off? My momma 
16. What colour are your bedroom walls? White 
17. What was the last thing you were angry at? The fact SATC2 was filmed in Morocco and not Abu Dhabi
18. What was the last thing you drank? Coca Cola!
19. What are you wearingn right now? A black vest top and blue skirt, nothing interesting! 
20. Where were you this time last week? I was in Dubai, and I was getting ready to go to the theatre.
21. Do you miss anyone right now? My fam! 
22. What do you want to know about the future? I want to know what job will make me happy, but that's about it.
23.  Do you sleep with the door open or closed? It has to be closed.
24. Do you still watch cartoons? I do, since Netflix I seem to have turned 5 again.
25. Favourite kind of sandwich? Strawberry jam or Nutella! I'm also a marmite fan.

So there are a few things about me, I will see you all again super soon (no more disappearing for weeks, I promise!) I'm having to upload from my phone as everything is backwards on the laptop and it's not working, haha. Usual technology hating me! But I will see you tomorrow for a special fashion post.


Twitter : @bexrenshaw
Instagram : @oh_boo_x

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