Tuesday 27 May 2014

My Hair!

So as most of you probably know, I kill my hair in lots of different ways! I've been dying it properly since I was 15(only the odd highlights before) and dying it as regularly as multiple times a week, I've even bleached it 3 times in the same day! When I was 17 my hair started falling out in chunks from where I had killed it with bleach the year before, I was horrified and never thought it would happen to me, then it did.
And now, I still dye my hair and use heat etc on it a lot, but my hair is in such better condition. I had people coming up to me earlier in the year when it was pink and purple asking me how it looks so good and not all 'strawy' or dead. I keep telling people I'll do a post about it and just haven't got round to it, so here we go, this is how my hair is in such good condition even thought I dye it loads!
I just want to point out that these are things that work for me personally, they might not work for you and aren't like proven or anything, they just work for me!

I don't wash my hair every day, or even every other day. If it doesn't need to be washed, I won't wash it, and this helps my hair so so much as I used to wash it daily. I wash it as soon as it gets greasy or I feel it needs to be washed with is usually either every other day or every third day, but why was it if it doesn't need washing, and if you are having a 'lazy day' why bother? Dry shampoo, you are my god!
I use hair masks, but I don't use them how I am meant to. I smother my hair in it, leaving the roots obviously or else you'll get super greasy hair! Then leave it on over night, or all day, or for however long you possibly can, this will let it soak in and your hair will feel amazing when you take it off. I mostly wash my hair after washing the mask off so my hair doesn't look/feel greasy but is still silky smooth.
Brush your hair! If your hair is anything like mine, it knots constantly. I will brush it, then the next minute it will be all knotted up again. I got a a tangle teezer for Christmas and it is the best thing I have ever used, my hair cannot be brushed with a normal  brush, so if you struggle with knots, get yourself a tangle teezer!
Use leave in conditioner, whether it be a spray or a cream or whatever you prefer - personally I prefer the spray, but this is personal choice. I use it all the time, I put it on straight after a shower while I am drying my hair but if I go to my dressing table in the day I will use a few sprays, again with this product you shouldn't go too close to the roots as it will make your hair greasy, keep it to the ends!

So those are the main things I would suggest trying, as well as the obvious don't use heat or dye your hair, however you don't have to stop doing those things to have healthy hair. Let me know how you keep your hair healthy!


Twitter : @bexrenshaw
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Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCof08et9DP7sMC8-nqq-ZUg 

1 comment:

  1. Lots of good tips, I have been colouring my hair for over 10 years now!

    Pink Polka Dot & Popcorn
