Monday 17 March 2014

My tips on how to save money!

So I know each person is different, but here is my personal advice on how to save money.

Number 1, 'Stop Spending' I know that sounds obviously, well dur bex! But I mean when you go to buy something, stop and think, do I really need this? Will I use it? It is worth the money? I have found this helps an awful lot, I have been doing it recently and 80% of the time I put stuff back!

Number 2, 'Go Cheap' Try own brand products for everything, from make up to food to clothes to toilet roll .  If you don't like it then try something slightly more expensive next time (do you REALLY need it?) and the great thing is, you've only lost a small amount of money, whether it be 20p on own brand beans or £1.50 on foundation!

Number 3 'Coupons' No I don't mean go crazy couponing (which is apparently a thing?!) but little things like a Tesco Clubcard, I always forget to use the vouchers they send me when in reality I could've saved money on the thing I bought anyway!

Number 4 'Free Samples' Always take free samples, whether it's make up or tea bags. If it is free and useful then take it! The same doesn't go for magazines/catalogues because you will just want to buy things. I recently stayed in a hotel in London with a friend and when we went to leave I took the shower gel and remaining 2 tea bags and put them in my bag, my friend was like 'what are you doing?!' but the thing is, they are useful things that are free and I would usually buy anyway! (Judge me all you want, I'm trying to save money, haha!)

Number 5 'Save' Every day try emptying random coins from your purse/wallet into a money jar and leave it until a rainy day, then count it and pop it in your bank. I saved £16 in a month and a bit doing this, which doesn't seem like much but it's £16 more than I would've had on that day!

Number 6 'Banking' So not everyone will be able to do this, but if you are saving up for one big thing (for me its a car and insurance) so today I went with my dad and put the £2000 I had saved in a savings account (with 1.75% interest!) and my dad has all the stuff for the account so I can't access it until I need it to buy what I want. It was my idea and I knew if I didn't do it then it would all end up going on make up and things I really didn't need, and my dad was nice enough to help out!

Number 7 'Treats' So you know when you're on a diet and you have those chocolate days, it's similar to that. You need to set goals and then give yourself treats "If I have saved up £25 by the end of the week I can buy that lipstick I have wanted" it will help you reach your goals because you know there is something great a the end, as well as treats along the way!

So those are just a few little pieces of advice of ways I save money, let me know if any help you or if you have any more to add!


Come over and find me.

Twitter : @bexrenshaw
Instagram : oh_boo_x

1 comment:

  1. I've found some great 'cheap' food in the last few years, like beaks, I would only buy Heinz, I tried asda own brand and they are nicer!!!
