Sunday 15 June 2014

The Fault in our Stars

Firstly I would just like to say I will not be posting any spoilers or anything, I'm not that mean!
So, I don't even know how to start with post as I am currently an emotional wreck. Yep, you guessed it, I just went to see The Fault in our Stars.
I read the book a few months ago and just fell in love, I read it in less than 4 hours because I just couldn't put it down, it still has pages that can't really be read because my tears smudged the ink.
For those of you reading this that haven't read the book or seen the film, you really cannot understand the emotions running through my body right now.
If you are the lucky people in America/Canada etc and the film is already out by you, then you probably don't need to read this, but us English don't have the privilege of it being in cinemas until June 19th, however I was lucky enough to go to a preview tonight, and I have literally just walked through the door and come straight to my laptop as I need to vent and just go a bit crazy, so if you are looking for a 'normal' review then you are not in luck.
If you are one of these people (like myself) that are constantly disappointed with films of books you loved, then honestly, you don't need to worry about this film. I noticed three small parts that weren't included and that was it, you will not be disappointed. However I would advise taking lots of tissues, there wasn't a dry eye in the cinema - which made me feel a hell of a lot better about pouring my eyes out and having make up all smeared on my face. I was just incredible.
I don't know if it is best that you read the book or not, I knew what was about to happen so was crying like a crazy person in preparation instead of just when things happened, it was just a constant flow of tears then a few break downs.
If you haven't yet read the book or if you aren't a book person then please do not say to me 'its only a book', 'you do realise they aren't real don't you?' or anything along those lines because honestly, I do not really care for your opinion and I am sure most of the people that read this book (and cried a shit ton) will be on me with this one, or anyone that reacts to books in this fashion really!
I can't do an actual review of this, because of the fact that I don't want to give anything away and my brain isn't really working right now, I don't know how to feel. We went back to the car after seeing it and just sat for like 20 minutes because none of us could do anything (yes it really is that good/sad).

I'm sorry for my crazy vent/rant whatever you want to call it, but if this is your type of film (or even if it isn't) then go and see it, but don't forget tissues and chocolate, honestly you will need them.

Thank you reading, if you made it this far through the post then well done, haha!


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