Monday 9 June 2014

MUA Luxe Velvet Lip Lacquer

So as you all know, I was super excited to buy these Velvet Lip Lacquer from Make Up Academy, they are part of their Luxe range and just looked amazing. So today I thought I would let you know what I thought, there are some good points and some bad points. 
I was going out for a meal the other night and just felt in a purple mood, so I went for Kooky and oh my gosh, when I put it on I couldn't believe how bright it was. I've never had a purple quite that bright, but it was still a nice dark shade of purple - if that makes sense! I finally managed to make it look right, I can never seem to work the wands on lip glosses. So off I went for my meal, and my lips felt really odd and I kept getting bits in my mouth, about 20 minutes after applying the lip gloss, after I had got to the restaurant and sat down etc, I checked in the mirror and the sight was horrible. It had all started flaking off so I basically bad random patches on my lips of purple and the rest was normal! I re-applied it and again, around 15/20 minutes later exactly the same thing happened. So I ran off to the toilets to take it off, which is pretty hard with just tissue and water, but after scrubbing a but I managed it. 
So I absolutely love how bright and amazing this product was, and it didn't feel sticky like a lip gloss, it felt really nice, until it started flaking off!

Funk                                                                             Kooky

Thank you for reading, have you tried out this product? If so let me know what you thought!


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