Wednesday 25 June 2014

My Photography

As some of you might know I did photography at AS level and as a BTEC, and I adored it. I was searching through old folders of old laptops etc and found some of my old images. I really miss taking photos and I feel like I've really let myself down because I was so passionate about it a few years ago and now the only pictures I take are of products for my blog, which is pretty pathetic. I am hoping to get back into photography I am just not sure how, I need to refresh my memory of all the things I learnt as well as just trying to find things to capture. I thought today I would share with you a few of my old pieces, these are all between one and five years old, which is crazy to think about because at the time I took my camera everywhere and took photo's of everything, and now I just use my phone if I see something I feel is picture worthy, which isn't very much anymore. I'm not sure why I'm sharing these, I just feel like I need that kick up the bum to get back into it and this is the best way to do it, so I hope you enjoy.


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1 comment:

  1. It's a shame you stopped doing it cause you've got some pretty awesome shots! I also did AS photography and did ND photography at college. I used to work in a studio and was self employed for a while but no longer take on jobs as I get far too nervous and stressed. You just need to grab a couple mates and take the camera for a spin to get back into it. My passion is wildlife photography but often do portraits for friends and family giving them a nice portrait or two and adding to the portfolio!
    Looking forward to seeing some recent work from you :)
