Thursday 3 April 2014

Staying Strong

So today I thought I would do a review post, but not like the ones you usually see. I have been feeling down in the dumps recently and one thing that has really kept me going is the book Staying Strong by Demi Lovato. It has a page for every day of the year, with a quote, a paragraph and a goal. The quotes were all sent in by fans, some are famous quotes and others are just simple little ones people have come up with.

So I am going to show you a few examples of some of the days, every one is different which just makes this book better. I asked you all on twitter to send me a random date, as I didn't want to pick my favourite ones or the ones with the best quotes as I don't think that would be a completely true representation of the book.

This is the book, I bought it for about £10 on amazon (I am sure you could find it cheaper) it also has lots of pretty swallows in which look like my tattoo which make me happy, haha!

Here are some of the dates you sent me!

May 14th : 'Change is never painful, only the resistance to change is painful' - Buddha.
Change is a part of life and there's no way of getting around it. So accept the your life will be filled with all kinds of change, and even though it can sometimes feel uncomfortable, it's what builds out character and keeps us moving forward.
GOAL: Embrace the changes going on in your life whether they're positive or negative. They're all moving you forward and starting a new chapter in your life comes with change. It's okay to be thankful for blessings.

June 12th : 'It is not in the stars to hold out destiny but in ourselves' - William Shakespeare.
We always have choices in life. we make out opportunities, and we must find it in ourselves to achieve our destiny. We never really know what we can do or achieve unless we try.
GOAL: Stop leaving something important up to chance. Take control of it, and create the outcome you want.

June 19th : ' With pain, suffering, and grief come many opportunities to grow and change as long as we stay open.'
When your faith and strength are challenged, you have the most incredible opportunity to grow. It's up to you what you make of it. I've made a vow to myself that when times are difficult I will reach out for help and embrace that part of my journey with an open mind. I know that these obstacles are a way to become stronger and develop my faith, but I can't do it without staying open to receiving help from others.
GOAL: If you are dealing with something painful, stay open-minded and ask for help. You never need to face anything alone - there are so many resources available to help.

October 1st : 'We can't control all in life . . . but what we can do is look ahead and dictate where we go next.'
Life will bring you every kind of emotion and experience you can thing of, and plenty that you'd never even imagine. I try to take everything that comes to me with gratitude. Life is about not knowing and making the best of any situation.
GOAL: Thing about something wonderful that lies ahead for you.

So I am only going to show you those four as it seems like a lot to read, and I don't want to over load you with words. But as I said, this book helps me every single day. And knowing that whatever you are going through, there is always someone going through the same thing. Knowing that celebrities, such as Demi and Zoella have problems such as Depression and Anxiety, things I suffer with myself, gave me the confidence to start my blog. So never ever feel alone. The book title came from her 'Stay Strong' tattoos which was something all her fans kept saying to her while she was at rehab. It is also something I tell myself when I am sad or things seem too much.

Thank you so much for reading this post, and for all the supportive people and followers I have.


Come over and find me.

Twitter : @bexrenshaw
Instagram : oh_boo_x

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post. It is so lovely to see women sending out messages of support and sent the to other women. S x
