Wednesday 2 April 2014

No7 Illuminated Make-Up Mirror

So I have wanted one of these mirrors for ages, however £50 on a mirror was just never going to happen as I don't have that kind of money. So when I saw them on half price, I knew I had to get one. I was in Canterbury at the time, and the mirror is the same size as my suitcase so I knew I couldn't buy it, I called my mom straight away and she ran straight to boots and got the last one in the store! So after a week or so of using it, I thought it was finally time to do a review. I like to keep my reviews honest, hence why I wanted to wait at least a week to see if I personally thought it was worth the money.
So yes, it is just a mirror with a light, one side normal, one side 5x, however I have found the 5x side AMAZING, using this side means I can make my make up (near enough) perfect when putting it on as I can see so close up, I can deal with spots a lot quicker - I have compared my skin from my normal mirror to this one and suddenly 5 spots appear! So I can tackle them quicker so they don't turn into huge second faces, and it is fab for doing my eye brows as I can see all the little buggars that usually hide from me! The light is super bright, but not so much that it hurts your eyes, so it gives you a true representation of how you look, I really cried when I saw how terrible my skin really was!
But then you also have to think, can you really spend £50 on a mirror? Personally, even thought I adore this mirror and think it is probably the best thing I have ever bought, I wouldn't of spent £50, that is just way too out of my budget. £25 on a mirror was crazy for me, but after using it I am so so happy I spent that money.
I know I am kind of sending mixed messages here, haha! But basically I would say yes it is worth getting but only if you have the money to spend.
I would say shop around, I have seen some for sale on ebay for around £25, and for that money I would definitely say go for it, you (hopefully) won't regret it, haha! I think it is still on offer now for £25 in boots and online!

Do you have this mirror, or always wanted it? Let me know!

(( I really shouldn't have to say this, but this was not a sponsored post (blah blah blah) and all views are my own. I would always tell you at the start of a post if it was sponsored and I would never tell you I liked something that I didn't because I don't think that is fair at all. ))


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Instagram : oh_boo_x

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