Sunday 22 December 2013

The Juice Detox.

So, basically.
I am the fussiest eater you will ever meet, and I can't go on any actual diets because I don't like most of the foods, and before I started juicing I didn't like the sound of a 'detox'. No food for days/weeks, what?!
So I did a kind of juice detox, I had one meal a day and two or three glasses of juice a day. I made my own juice with all kind of fruits and vegetables, mixed and matched and found really odd things tasted amazing together! I ended up losing about half a stone, when in reality I just did it to clear my skin up, which it did amazingly as well! So in January I am going to do the juice detox without food, I haven't decided for how long yet, probably 3-8 days, depending on how I feel while doing it. The odd thing was when I did it, when I finished I was like 'YES PIZZA GET IN MY BELLY' and I had one slice and felt so sick, the grease and just everything about it made me feel sick and I was craving fruit and veg, which is obviously a good thing.
The only downside to this detox/diet, minus the fact you can't eat yummy food like pizza and chocolate, is the money side of it. fruit and veg is SO expensive, but you can get it cheaper, if you look around different grocers and supermarkets you will find different things cheaper, it is more hassle but if you are doing it for a week or so you might as well bulk buy, and some grocers will give you a discount if you do this!

So there is my take on the juice diet, well MY juice diet which I really really enjoyed. I wouldn't do it for severe weight loss, but if you just want to lose a few pounds, boost your energy, clean your skin up and just feel a lot better in yourself, then try this out and let me know how you did!


Come over and find me.

Twitter: @bexrenshaw
Instagram: oh_boo_x  

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