Sunday, 23 July 2017

Why you shouldn't feel guilty for HATING pregnancy

As most first time mum's, I have joined the world of mummy facebook groups. Some are so lovely and welcoming, and other are judgemental hell pits there to make you feel like a terrible human. HOW DARE YOU HATE PREGNANCY. Or not even hate, how dare you just not enjoy every minute of it. So what you're sick, that means baby is healthy (it 100% does not). So what you can't sleep, just wait until baby is here and you'll never sleep again (this really doesn't help, thanks). You should be grateful you can have kids, some people can't or have to pay thousands for the chance. I understand this, and it breaks my heart that we can't all grow our own humans, but don't use that to make me feel bad.

Each pregnancy is so different, no one knows what you are going through. Even people that have the same issues as you, they don't know EXACTLY how you feel. So in the famous words of, I actually have no idea who, you do you boo. You want to not tell anyone you're pregnant, cool. You want to shout it from the rooftops, cool. You want to moan every day at how much it sucks, cool. YOU DO YOU.

I am so fed up of people making other expectant mothers feel guilty for hating being pregnant, for some of us, this sucks. Yes we are all growing a tiny little human, we are making life, our body is literally a miracle making machine. Feeling them move inside is beautiful, and the love I already have for this unborn child is so so strong. I hate being pregnant, don't misunderstand that as I hate my unborn child, because that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm just excited for this to be over so I can have my baby and not feel like I'm dying daily.

The past few months have honestly been the worst of my life, the sickness finally is controlled by tablets, I have other tablets for anaemia that was caused by the sickness, my back has always been a bit shit and is just constantly painful (and no, paracatmol doesn't help at all because paracetamol sucks) and I'm big and heavy. I'm currently on 12 tablets a day and about 3 hours sleep. So why would I not hate this?

P.S. where the hell is my 'glow'?!

Bex Renshaw. 
Twitter : @bexrenshaw
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